First post

My life has been a balancing act between my family, my career, and my community. Sports is a more recent addition where I’ve fallen in love with the sport of triathlon. Triathlon helps not only keep me physically fit, but also trains my mind to be nimble, my spirit to be bold, and my heart to be gracious… All of which I need in my life balancing being a single mother, an corporate IT executive, and engaged community citizen. 

My dabblings have outgrown Facebook, so I find myself starting a blog.   You can join me on my endeavors in motherhood, family, sports, career, technology, education, genealogy, travel, and community engagement.   For the record, I steer away from politics, as it seems to create the need for people to choose sides, give labels, and not listen.  I like to think in terms of community building… basic ideas the bring people together like education, mobility, health, and well-being.

Here I will share my thoughts, stories and adventures in hopes that they will inspire you.

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